Dohle Immobilien
Sylvia Dohle
Carrer d’En Sureda, 14
07680 Porto Cristo
Tax Identification Number: X2504700T
Pictures (c) by Pixabay, Unsplash and Dohle Immobilien
Last modified: 20th of November 2021
This policy applies to the website
Please read this statement carefully. Here you will find important information regarding the processing of your personal data and your rights as recognised within the current legislation on the subject.
We reserve the right to update our privacy policy at any time due to corporate decisions, or to comply with eventual changes in legislation or jurisprudence. Should you have any queries or need any clarification regarding our privacy policy or your rights, please contact us via the channels indicated below.
You declare that the data you supply to us, now or in the future, is correct and true and you agree to inform us of any change to this data. In the event that you are providing details of a third party, you promise to obtain prior consent from that person and to inform them of the content of this policy.
In general, the sections marked as compulsory on our forms must be filled in in order to process your requests.
1. Who controls the processing of your data?
The owner of this webpage and the entity responsible for the control and processing of personal data collected via the web is:
Responsible entity: Sylvia Dohle
Tax Identification Number: X2504700T
Address: Carrer d’En Sureda, 14, 07680 Porto Cristo (Illes Balears).
Contact email:
2. What do we do with the data collected via the web?
The data collected from our users will be used for different purposes:
Data collected via the contact formwill be used in order to reply to any query formulated using the form itself and then for follow up purposes to assess client satisfaction with that reply.
In all cases, we may need to use your data for purposes of administration and management of the security of the website and in order to comply with our legal obligations. This data will also be used for analytical purposes and in order to improve the quality of our services.
3. How long do we keep your data?
In general, we will store your data for the length of the contractual relationship that you have with us and for the period of time required by currently applicable legislation, for example, with reference to accounting and fiscal regulations and for the period of time deemed necessary to deal with any possible responsibilities derived from the data processing. We will dispose of your data once it ceases to be necessary or relevant for the purposes for which it was collected. Information relating to navigational data will be deleted once the web connection has been closed and statistics compiled. Data used for commercial purposes will be stored until the client requests its removal.
4. Who can we share your data with?
Your data will only be shared with third parties if we are legally obliged to do so, with your consent, or when your request makes it necessary.
5. Legal basis for the data processing:
The legal basis for processing this data is to manage the judicial relationship with our users and our legitimate interest in compliance with our legal obligations and our legitimate interest in managing the security and quality of the website and to promote our services.
6. What are your rights?
You have the right to be given confirmation that we are processing your data and, in that case, to access that data. You can also request that your data be corrected if there is any inaccuracy or data is incomplete, and also request removal when, amongst other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
In certain circumstances, you may request that processing of your data is limited. In this case, we will only process the data needed to formulate, qualify or defend any claim or when it is necessary to protect the rights of other people. In certain conditions, or for reasons related to your particular circumstances, you may also oppose the processing of your data. In this case, we will stop using your data unless there is a legitimate and urgent reason which prevails over your interests or rights and freedoms, or in order to formulate, qualify or defend a claim.
Also, and in certain circumstances, you can request the transfer of your data to another data controller.
To exercise your rights, you should send us a request accompanied by a copy of your passport or official national identification document or other valid document that accredits your identity either by post or by email to the addresses indicated in the section “Who controls the processing of your data?”
You can find more information regarding your rights and how to exercise them on the following page from the Spanish Data Protection Agency website
7. What do we use cookies and navigational records for?
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small data file that websites transmit to the devices that connect with them. Often the purpose of cookies is purely technical, but they can also allow, amongst other things, the storage and recuperation of information about the browsing habits of a user or a device and depending upon the information contained and the way in which the device is used, to recognise the user.
Cookies exist that are controlled and managed by the website owner (called “first party cookies”) and others that belong to third parties (known as “third party cookies”), for example, when these provide a tool or perform a function on the website.
Certain cookies are cancelled once the session has been closed (session cookies) whilst others can remain stored on the user’s device and be accessed for a longer period of time (persistent cookies).
What type of cookies do we use and what do we use them for?
These are the cookies that we leave in your browser to improve the browsing experience and use of our website.
Are the cookies anonymous?
Cookies alone do not contain any information that allows specific user identification. In our case, the information obtained can only be associated with a certain user when that user is identified on the website. In the event that this happens, that data will be incorporated into personal files for which the website owner is responsible, and this data will be processed for the purposes stated in the current policy regarding the use of cookies and in compliance at all times with the terms laid out in the current legislation regarding personal data protection. At any time, users may exercise their rights to access, correct or remove their personal information, or oppose the processing of their data, as stated above.How can I manage the cookies?
Web users have the option not to admit cookies, to remove them or to be informed of how they are set according to the browser configuration. To learn more about how to manage cookies, we would like to suggest that you use the help section of your browser.
If you deactivate the cookies, it may not be possible to use all the functions provided on the website.
Sylvia Dohle
Tel.: +34-606 30 43 66
Carrer d’En Sureda, 14
07680 Porto Cristo